Political Correctness Stoops to a New Low!
ESPN recently reassigned broadcaster Robert Lee from the University of Virginia vs. William & Mary football game for fear that his name would “offend” people of Charlottesville. If I were from Virginia, I think I would be offended that ESPN thought I was dumb enough to attach any significance to a guy with a fairly common name to events that occurred 150 years ago!
However, if I’m wrong, there are bunch of other ESPN newscasters whose names are equally offensive to segments of the community, including:
Scott Van Pelt and Linda Hunt/PETA
Shahira Amin/Ugandans
Phil Black and Hubie Brown/People of Color
Rosemary Church/Atheists
Mary Katherine Ham/Orthodox Jews
Steve Israel/Orthodox Muslims
Soledad O’Brien/Felons
Lou Waters and Hannah Storm/Anyone from Houston
Bob Cain/Descendants of Abel
And ESPN isn’t the only offender:
Gerry Sandusky (Baltimore Ravens broadcaster)/I wouldn’t let him do Steelers games!
Jason and Mara Gay (Wall St. Journal)/No explanation needed
John Short (Edmonton Sun)/I could even be offended by this one
Shotgun Spratling (LA Times)/Anti-gun lobby could really have their feelings hurt
Shelby Grad (LA Times)/Dropouts have feelings too
Steve Elders (LA Times) and Michael Grey (SF Chronicle)/AARP revolt
Stan Parish (Wall St. Journal), Christian Williams (LA Times), Dana Priest (Washington Post)/Promoting religion in the media?
Sue Adolphson (SF Chronicle)/Germans, Jews, Gypsies and most everyone else on earth
Catherine and Vivian Ho (SF Chronicle)/No need to knock working women
There are enough real problems in the world ESPN – Robert Lee isn’t one of them.