What, me worry?
Someone asked me recently what I worry about. I said “worrying.” It’s taken a long time, but I really don’t worry much anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I still hope bad things don’t happen but when they do I will deal with them as well as I can. I used to worry a lot, especially when flying, until I sat next to this old guy who asked why I was so pale (and probably drunk). I told him it was a “control thing” – I was worried that the plane would crash and I was totally helpless. He admitted he used to feel the same way but he figured out the secret to Zen flying. His theory? He said only two things could happen on our flight: (1) the plane would not crash and I would have wasted four hours of life worrying about something that didn’t happen. Or, (2) the plane would crash and I would have wasted my LAST four hours of life worrying about something I couldn’t control anyway. I thought that made a lot of sense. His theory works well in other areas of life. No matter how much we worry about future events, the odds that we accurately predict what will happen are pretty miniscule. If we were better at it, everyone would worry about predicting lotto numbers. Same principle when writing a blog. I certainly hope you like the content, but you will or you won’t. No need to worry about it, I’ll certainly find out tomorrow. 🙂